It’s been nearly a tradition- as this was the fourth- that the ‘DBH’ (Drinks Before Home) is organized under the coordination of ConvergenCE at nU bisztró & l’bor in Eiffel Square. At this time the occasion was sponsored by the newly designed Margit Palace ( and Terrapark Next ( office buildings, which are owned by JP Morgan and asset managed by ConvergenCE.
The first ’Drinks Before Home’ was organized by the Construction & Investment Journal (‘CIJ’) 7 years ago to provide an informal venue for real estate professionals working in Central & Eastern Europe.
Due to the sunny, late summer weather conditions a fair number of professionals attended to the event. Similar to the previous ‘DBH’-s coordinated by ConvergenCE, the guests had a very pleasant and relaxed evening together.
Images taken on the event can be seen at the gallery.