OTIS, the World’s Largest Elevator Company Moves to CityZen Offices

Otis Felvonó Kft., the Hungarian branch of the world’s largest elevator company, moves to CityZen Offices from the beginning of April. Hungarian market-leader OTIS, known also as a producer of escalators and moving walkways, opens its new, 870 m² headquarters at the A+ office building completed by developer ConvergenCE at the end of 2016.

Have some rest in the heart of the City

HVG (Heti Világgazdaság – Weekly World Economics) was guided through Eiffel Square Office Building and Park by its property managers, ConvergenCE. The jurnalist’s experiences are written in the following article. (The article is in hungarian) Budapest közepén, mégis a városi nyüzsgéstől szeparáltan dolgozni valódi ritkaság, vagyis inkább luxus. A Nyugati pályaudvar mellett lévő Eiffel Tér … Read more