‘DBH’ for the fourth time at Eiffel Square

It’s been nearly a tradition- as this was the fourth- that the ‘DBH’ (Drinks Before Home) is organized under the coordination of ConvergenCE at nU bisztró & l’bor in Eiffel Square. At this time the occasion was sponsored by the newly designed Margit Palace (www.margitpalace.com) and Terrapark Next (www.terraparknext.com) office buildings, which are owned by … Read more

The challenges of everyday property management

What are currently the greatest challenges facing players on the property management market within this ever-changing micro and economic environment? How might a facility (FM), property (PM) or asset management (AM) company respond to problems such as non-paying tenants, increasing energy costs, fierce competition, and general pressure to cost-cutting coming from the tenants’ side? Gabriella … Read more